loadAd method

Future<AdResponse> loadAd()


Future<AdResponse> loadAd() async {

  String br = "";
  // Fetch patient data
  Patient? patient = await DocereeAd().getPatientData();
  if (patient != null) {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = {
      "attributes": patient.toJson()
    Log("AdRequest").i(const JsonEncoder().convert(attributes));
    br = Utill().encryptString(const JsonEncoder().convert(attributes));
  } else {
    Log("AdRequest").i("No patient found");

  HCP? hcp = await DocereeAd().getHCPData();

  Header header = Header();
  Map<String, dynamic> queryParameters = {
    "cdt": "TestCDT",
    "hcpid": hcp?.hcpId,
    "zipcode": hcp?.zipCode,
    "city": hcp?.city,
    "email": hcp?.email,
    "lastname": hcp?.lastName,
    "state": hcp?.state,
    "gender": hcp?.gender,
    "firstname": hcp?.firstName,
    "br": br,
    "adunit": adUnit,
    "privacyConsent": 1,
    "userid": await header.getDeviceId(),
    "specialization": hcp?.specialization,
    "appkey": "safaegxyzzzz",
    "hashedhcpid": hcp?.hashedHcpId,
    // "pb": 1,
    // "requestId": "DE.V108.138353613050.1690367123-DIRECT-DSREF-1"

  Log("AdRequest").i("headers ${header.getHeaders()}");
  // Log("AdRequest").i("MapData $queryParameters");
  final response = await http.post(
    Uri.parse(Network.getBaseUrl() + Network.adRequestUrl),
    headers: header.getHeaders(),
    body: json.encode(queryParameters),

  Log("AdRequest").i("Ad Response Body ${response.body}");
  if (response.statusCode == 200) {
    // If the server did return a 200 CREATED response,
    // then parse the JSON.
    return parseAdResponse(response.body);
  } else {
    // If the server did not return a 200 CREATED response,
    // then throw an exception.
    throw Exception('Failed to create album.');