Powerful and Intuitive Do Not Disturb Management for Flutter

do_not_disturb is a Flutter plugin for seamlessly managing Do Not Disturb settings on Android devices.


  • 🎧 Check if Do Not Disturb (DND) or Zen mode is enabled
  • ⚙️ Open DND settings screen directly from your app
  • 📊 Get detailed DND status (All, Priority, None, Alarms)
  • 🗝️ Check if Notification Policy access is granted
  • 🔐 Open Notification Policy Settings screen.
  • 🤳 Allows Setting DND mode directly from your app
  • 🔥 No extra permissions needed if you're not setting DND mode from code
  • 🎭 Elegant enum-based API for interruption filter states
  • 📱 Optimized for Android devices
  • 💙 Simple, powerful, & intuitive API


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  do_not_disturb: <latest-version>

Get the latest version number here


import 'package:flutter_do_not_disturb/flutter_do_not_disturb.dart';

final dndPlugin = DoNotDisturbPlugin();

// Check if DND is enabled
bool isDndEnabled = await dndPlugin.isDndEnabled();
print('DND Enabled: $isDndEnabled');

// Get current DND status
InterruptionFilter status = await dndPlugin.getDNDStatus();
print('Current DND Status: $status');

// Open DND settings
await dndPlugin.openDndSettings();

// Open notification policy access settings
await dndPlugin.openNotificationPolicyAccessSettings();

// Set DND mode (requires permission)
if (await dndPlugin.isNotificationPolicyAccessGranted()) {
  await dndPlugin.setInterruptionFilter(InterruptionFilter.priority);
} else {
  // Guide user to grant permission
  await dndPlugin.openNotificationPolicyAccessSettings();
  // Inform user to grant permission and return to the app

This setup ensures that your app can both read the DND status and, with proper permissions, modify it. Always respect user privacy and system settings when using these features.

Permissions and Setup

Basic Usage

For basic functionality (checking DND status and opening settings), no special permissions are required.

Setting DND Mode

If you want to programmatically set the DND mode or interruption filter, you need to:

  1. Add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY"/>
  1. Whitelist your application in the Notification Access Policy settings.

Here's how to guide your users through this process:

// Check if the app has notification policy access
bool hasAccess = await dndPlugin.isNotificationPolicyAccessGranted();

if (!hasAccess) {
  // Open the settings screen for the user to grant access
  await dndPlugin.openNotificationPolicyAccessSettings();
  // Inform the user to grant access and return to the app

// Once access is granted, you can set the DND mode
await dndPlugin.setInterruptionFilter(InterruptionFilter.priority);

Note: Setting DND mode requires user action to grant permission. Always check for permission and guide the user to the settings if necessary.

Interruption Filter States

The plugin uses an enhanced enum InterruptionFilter to represent DND states:

enum InterruptionFilter {

  final int value;
  const InterruptionFilter(this.value);

  static InterruptionFilter fromValue(int value) {
    return InterruptionFilter.values.firstWhere(
      (filter) => filter.value == value,
      orElse: () => InterruptionFilter.unknown,

This allows for type-safe and intuitive handling of DND states in your app.


Check out the example directory for a complete sample app using the flutter_do_not_disturb plugin.


Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or want a feature, please open an issue.


This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Documentation & Samples 📖

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