
License: MIT

DNSolve is a Dart library that provides an easy way to perform DNS lookups. It supports both forward and reverse DNS lookups, and can be used with different DNS providers.


To install DNSolve, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  dnsolve: ^0.6.0


To perform a DNS lookup, you can use the lookup() method. This method takes the following parameters:

  • domain: The domain to lookup.
  • dnsSec: Whether to enable DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions).
  • type: The DNS record type to look up.
  • provider: The DNS provider to use.

The following code snippet shows how to perform a DNS lookup for the domain example.com:

import 'dart:developer';

import 'package:dnsolve/dnsolve.dart';

void main() async {
  final dnsolve = DNSolve();
  final response = await dnsolve.lookup('_xmpp._tcp.vsevex.me', dnsSec: true, type: RecordType.srv);

  if (response.answer!.records != null) {
    for (final record in response.answer!.records!) {

The output will be something like this:

_xmpp._tcp.vsevex.me. 1805 IN SRV "0 5 1234 xmpp-client.vsevex.me."
_xmpp._tcp.vsevex.me. 1805 IN SRV "1 5 1234 xmpp-client.vsevex.me."

The lookup() method returns a ResolveResponse object. This object contains the following properties:

  • status: The status of the DNS lookup.
  • answer: The DNS answer.
  • Some other additional properties.

The answer property contains a list of Record objects. Each Record object represents a single DNS record. The Record object has the following properties:

  • name: The name of the DNS record.
  • rType: The type of the DNS record.
  • ttl: The time to live of the DNS record.
  • data: The data of the DNS record.

Contributing to DNSolve

I do welcome and appreciate contributions from the community to enhance the DNSolve. If you have any improvements, bug fixes, or new features to contribute, you can do so by creating a pull request.


Provider of an easy way of performing DNS lookups.