isNumberMatch method

MatchType isNumberMatch(
  1. Object firstNumberIn,
  2. Object secondNumberIn

Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality.

Returns [exactMatch] if the [countryCode], NSN, presence of a leading zero for Italian numbers and any extension present are the same. Returns [nsnMatch] if either or both has no region specified, and the NSNs and extensions are the same. Returns [shortNsnMatch] if either or both has no region specified, or the region specified is the same, and one NSN could be a shorter version of the other number. This includes the case where one has an extension specified, and the other does not. Returns [noMatch] otherwise. For example, the numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 657 1234 are a [shortNsnMatch]. The numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 345 657 are a [noMatch].

{PhoneNumber|string} firstNumberIn first number to compare. If it is a string it can contain formatting, and can have country calling code specified with + at the start. {PhoneNumber|string} secondNumberIn second number to compare. If it is a string it can contain formatting, and can have country calling code specified with + at the start. returns MatchType notANumber, noMatch, shortNsnMatch, nsnMatch or exactMatch depending on the level of equality of the two numbers, described in the method definition.


MatchType isNumberMatch(Object firstNumberIn, Object secondNumberIn) {
  // If the input arguements are strings parse them to a proto buffer format.
  // Else make copies of the phone numbers so that the numbers passed in are not
  // edited.
  PhoneNumber firstNumber;

  PhoneNumber secondNumber;
  if (firstNumberIn is String) {
    // First see if the first number has an implicit country calling code, by
    // attempting to parse it.
    try {
      firstNumber = parse(firstNumberIn, _unknownRegion);
    } on NumberParseException catch (e) {
      if (e.errorType != ErrorType.invalidCountryCode) {
        return MatchType.notANumber;
      // The first number has no country calling code. exactMatch is no longer
      // possible. We parse it as if the region was the same as that for the
      // second number, and if exactMatch is returned, we replace this with
      // nsnMatch.
      if (secondNumberIn is PhoneNumber) {
        String secondNumberRegion =
        if (secondNumberRegion != _unknownRegion) {
          try {
            firstNumber = parse(firstNumberIn, secondNumberRegion);
          } catch (e2) {
            return MatchType.notANumber;

          MatchType match = isNumberMatch(firstNumber, secondNumberIn);
          if (match == MatchType.exactMatch) {
            return MatchType.nsnMatch;
          return match;
      // If the second number is a string or doesn't have a valid country
      // calling code, we parse the first number without country calling code.
      try {
        firstNumber = _parseHelper(firstNumberIn, null, false, false);
      } catch (e2) {
        return MatchType.notANumber;
  } else {
    firstNumber = (firstNumberIn as PhoneNumber).deepCopy();

  if (secondNumberIn is String) {
    try {
      secondNumber = parse(secondNumberIn, _unknownRegion);
      return isNumberMatch(firstNumberIn, secondNumber);
    } on NumberParseException catch (e) {
      if (e.errorType != ErrorType.invalidCountryCode) {
        return MatchType.notANumber;
      return isNumberMatch(secondNumberIn, firstNumber);
  } else {
    secondNumber = (secondNumberIn as PhoneNumber).deepCopy();

  PhoneNumber firstNumberToCompare = _copyCoreFieldsOnly(firstNumber);
  PhoneNumber secondNumberToCompare = _copyCoreFieldsOnly(secondNumber);

  // Early exit if both had extensions and these are different.
  if (firstNumberToCompare.hasExtension_3() &&
      secondNumberToCompare.hasExtension_3() &&
      firstNumberToCompare.extension_3 != secondNumberToCompare.extension_3) {
    return MatchType.noMatch;

  int firstNumberCountryCode = firstNumberToCompare.countryCode;

  int secondNumberCountryCode = secondNumberToCompare.countryCode;
  // Both had country_code specified.
  if (firstNumberCountryCode != 0 && secondNumberCountryCode != 0) {
    if (firstNumberToCompare == secondNumberToCompare) {
      return MatchType.exactMatch;
    } else if (firstNumberCountryCode == secondNumberCountryCode &&
            firstNumberToCompare, secondNumberToCompare)) {
      // A SHORT_NSN_MATCH occurs if there is a difference because of the
      // presence or absence of an 'Italian leading zero', the presence or
      // absence of an extension, or one NSN being a shorter variant of the
      // other.
      return MatchType.shortNsnMatch;
    // This is not a match.
    return MatchType.noMatch;
  // Checks cases where one or both country_code fields were not specified. To
  // make equality checks easier, we first set the country_code fields to be
  // equal.
  firstNumberToCompare.countryCode = 0;
  secondNumberToCompare.countryCode = 0;
  // If all else was the same, then this is an NSN_MATCH.
  if (firstNumberToCompare == secondNumberToCompare) {
    return MatchType.nsnMatch;
  if (_isNationalNumberSuffixOfTheOther(
      firstNumberToCompare, secondNumberToCompare)) {
    return MatchType.shortNsnMatch;
  return MatchType.noMatch;