extractCountryCode method

int extractCountryCode(
  1. StringBuffer fullNumber,
  2. StringBuffer nationalNumber

Extracts country calling code from fullNumber, returns it and places the remaining number in nationalNumber. It assumes that the leading plus sign or IDD has already been removed. Returns 0 if fullNumber doesn't start with a valid country calling code, and leaves nationalNumber unmodified.


int extractCountryCode(StringBuffer fullNumber, StringBuffer nationalNumber) {
  if ((fullNumber.length == 0) || (fullNumber.toString()[0] == '0')) {
    // Country codes do not begin with a '0'.
    return 0;
  int potentialCountryCode;
  int numberLength = fullNumber.length;

  for (int i = 1; i <= maxLengthCountryCode && i <= numberLength; i++) {
    potentialCountryCode =
        int.parse(fullNumber.toString().substring(0, i), radix: 10);
    if (_metadataMapLoader.countryCodeToRegionCodeMap
        .containsKey('$potentialCountryCode')) {
      return potentialCountryCode;
  return 0;