nationalNumber property

  1. @TagNumber(2)
Int64 nationalNumber

The National (significant) Number, as defined in International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Recommendation E.164, without any leading zero. The leading-zero is stored separately if required, since this is an uint64 and hence cannot store such information. Do not use this field directly: if you want the national significant number, call the getNationalSignificantNumber method of PhoneNumberUtil.

For countries which have the concept of an "area code" or "national destination code", this is included in the National (significant) Number. Although the ITU says the maximum length should be 15, we have found longer numbers in some countries e.g. Germany. Note that the National (significant) Number does not contain the National (trunk) prefix. Obviously, as a uint64, it will never contain any formatting (hyphens, spaces, parentheses), nor any alphanumeric spellings.


$fixnum.Int64 get nationalNumber => $_getI64(1);
  1. @TagNumber(2)
void nationalNumber=(Int64 v)


set nationalNumber($fixnum.Int64 v) {
  $_setInt64(1, v);