italianLeadingZero property

  1. @TagNumber(4)
bool get italianLeadingZero

In some countries, the national (significant) number starts with one or more "0"s without this being a national prefix or trunk code of some kind. For example, the leading zero in the national (significant) number of an Italian phone number indicates the number is a fixed-line number. There have been plans to migrate fixed-line numbers to start with the digit two since December 2000, but it has not happened yet. See for more details.

These fields can be safely ignored (there is no need to set them) for most countries. Some limited number of countries behave like Italy - for these cases, if the leading zero(s) of a number would be retained even when dialling internationally, set this flag to true, and also set the number of leading zeros.

Clients who use the parsing functionality of the i18n phone number libraries will have these fields set if necessary automatically.


$core.bool get italianLeadingZero => $_getBF(3);
  1. @TagNumber(4)
set italianLeadingZero (bool v)


set italianLeadingZero($core.bool v) {
  $_setBool(3, v);