possibleLengthLocalOnly property

  1. @TagNumber(10)
List<int> possibleLengthLocalOnly

These represent the lengths that only local phone numbers (without an area code) from this region can be. They will be sorted from smallest to biggest. For example, since the American number 456-1234 may be locally diallable, although not diallable from outside the area, 7 could be a possible value. This could be used to highlight tokens in a text that may be a phone number. To our knowledge, area codes are usually only relevant for some fixed-line and mobile numbers, so this field should only be set for those types of numbers (and the general description) - however there are exceptions for NANPA countries. This data is used to calculate whether a number could be a possible number for a particular type.


$core.List<$core.int> get possibleLengthLocalOnly => $_getList(3);