nationalPrefixForParsing property

  1. @TagNumber(15)
String nationalPrefixForParsing

This field is used for cases where the national prefix of a country contains a carrier selection code, and is written in the form of a regular expression. For example, to dial the number 2222-2222 in Fortaleza, Brazil (area code 85) using the long distance carrier Oi (selection code 31), one would dial 0 31 85 2222 2222. Assuming the only other possible carrier selection code is 32, the field will contain "0312".

When it is missing from the XML file, this field inherits the value of national_prefix, if that is present.


$core.String get nationalPrefixForParsing => $_getSZ(13);
  1. @TagNumber(15)
void nationalPrefixForParsing=(String v)


set nationalPrefixForParsing($core.String v) {
  $_setString(13, v);