nationalPrefixFormattingRule property

  1. @TagNumber(4)
String nationalPrefixFormattingRule

This field specifies how the national prefix ($NP) together with the first group ($FG) in the national significant number should be formatted in the NATIONAL format when a national prefix exists for a certain country. For example, when this field contains "($NP$FG)", a number from Beijing, China (whose $NP = 0), which would by default be formatted without national prefix as 10 1234 5678 in NATIONAL format, will instead be formatted as (010) 1234 5678; to format it as (0)10 1234 5678, the field would contain "($NP)$FG". Note $FG should always be present in this field, but $NP can be omitted. For example, having "$FG" could indicate the number should be formatted in NATIONAL format without the national prefix. This is commonly used to override the rule specified for the territory in the XML file.

When this field is missing, a number will be formatted without national prefix in NATIONAL format. This field does not affect how a number is formatted in other formats, such as INTERNATIONAL.


$core.String get nationalPrefixFormattingRule => $_getSZ(3);
  1. @TagNumber(4)
void nationalPrefixFormattingRule=(String v)


set nationalPrefixFormattingRule($core.String v) {
  $_setString(3, v);