leadingDigitsPattern property

  1. @TagNumber(3)
List<String> get leadingDigitsPattern

This field is a regex that is used to match a certain number of digits at the beginning of the national (significant) number. When the match is successful, the accompanying pattern and format should be used to format this number. For example, if leading_digits="1-3|44", then all the national numbers starting with 1, 2, 3 or 44 should be formatted using the accompanying pattern and format.

The first leadingDigitsPattern matches up to the first three digits of the national (significant) number; the next one matches the first four digits, then the first five and so on, until the leadingDigitsPattern can uniquely identify one pattern and format to be used to format the number.

In the case when only one formatting pattern exists, no leading_digits_pattern is needed.


$core.List<$core.String> get leadingDigitsPattern => $_getList(2);