showHelpAndExit function

dynamic showHelpAndExit(
  1. bool help


showHelpAndExit(bool help) {
  if (help) {
        '--coverage, -c\t\t\tMin coverage threshold\n'
        '--log, -l\t\t\tLog every test coverage info in dlcov.log - Limit up to 1000 lines\n'
        '--exclude-suffix, -e\t\tRemove generated files from test coverage results, separated by commas\n'
        '--include-untested-files\tGet reports more coherent with reality, and do not ignore untested files during the analysis\n'
        '--lcov-gen\t\t\tGenerate `` through the command "flutter test --coverage"\n'
        '--exclude-files\t\t\tExclude files using regular expression\n'
        '--exclude-contents\t\t\tExclude files using regular expression by it\'s content/code \n'
        '--exclude-contents-path\t\t\tSelect a dictionary file, in order to exclude files using regular expression by it\'s content/code\n'
        'gen-refs\t\t\tGenerate tested and untested file references, it should be used before `` file generation step.\n\n'
        '\tUsage Example:\n'
        '\tdlcov -c 80 --lcov-gen="flutter test --coverage"\n');