gatherConsent method

void gatherConsent(
  1. OnConsentGatheringCompleteListener onConsentGatheringCompleteListener

Helper method to call the Mobile Ads SDK to request consent information and load/show a consent form if necessary.


void gatherConsent(
    OnConsentGatheringCompleteListener onConsentGatheringCompleteListener) {
  // For testing purposes, you can force a DebugGeography of Eea or NotEea.
  ConsentDebugSettings debugSettings = ConsentDebugSettings(
      // debugGeography: DebugGeography.debugGeographyEea,
  ConsentRequestParameters params =
      ConsentRequestParameters(consentDebugSettings: debugSettings);

  // Requesting an update to consent information should be called on every app launch.
  ConsentInformation.instance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(params, () async {
    ConsentForm.loadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired((loadAndShowError) {
      // Consent has been gathered.
  }, (FormError formError) {