process method

List<RawWidgetDj> process()


List<RawWidgetDj> process() {
  var rawWidgetDjs = <RawWidgetDj>[];

  var itemPath = file.uri.toFilePath();

  currentFileName = itemPath;

  var fileHandler = File(itemPath);

  var fileLines = fileHandler.readAsLinesSync().toList();

  var parameterLines = <String>[];

  // 0 => Not Found Yet
  // 1 => Constructor comments running
  // 2 => Constructor
  // 3 => After Constructor
  var constructorFound = 0;
  String? constructorName;
  var constructorLess = false;
  var initialIsOptional = false;
  fileLines.forEach((line) {
    var parsedLine = WhiteSpaceRemover(line: line).removeFromStart();
    var _constructorName = _isConstructorLine(line);
    if (constructorFound == 0 && _constructorName != null) {
      initialIsOptional = false;
      constructorName = _constructorName;
      constructorFound = 1;
      constructorLess = false;
      currentConstructorName = constructorName!;

      if (KEEP_ONLY_WIDGET != null && constructorName != KEEP_ONLY_WIDGET) {
        constructorFound = 0;
    } else if (constructorFound == 1 && !parsedLine.startsWith('///')) {
      constructorFound = 2;
      constructorLess = !line.contains(constructorName!) ||
          line.contains('super') ||
          (line.endsWith('{') && line.contains(')'));

      if (line.endsWith('({')) {
        initialIsOptional = true;

      // Check if this is a single line constructor
      if (line.contains(constructorName! + '(') &&
          line.contains(')') &&
          !line.contains('()') &&
          !line.contains('=')) {
        if (fileDebugLvl > 5) {
          print("Parsing single line constructor: '$line'");

        var singleConstructorLine = line;
        if (singleConstructorLine.contains(':')) {
          singleConstructorLine = singleConstructorLine.split(':').first;

        var regExStr = 'Map<.*>';
        var regEx = RegExp(regExStr);

        if (regEx.hasMatch(singleConstructorLine)) {
          if (fileDebugLvl > 5) {
            print('Map Warning!');
          var match = regEx.firstMatch(singleConstructorLine);
          if (match != null) {
            var match_0 =;
            if (match_0 != null) {
              if (fileDebugLvl > 5) {
                print("Map is: '$match_0'");
              singleConstructorLine =
                  singleConstructorLine.replaceAll(match_0, 'dynamic');

        // get all the parameters
        var paramsLinePart = singleConstructorLine
            .split(constructorName! + '(')
        paramsLinePart =
            paramsLinePart.replaceAll('{', '').replaceAll('}', '');

        if (fileDebugLvl > 5) {
          print('parsedLine $paramsLinePart');

        var params = paramsLinePart
            .map((e) => WhiteSpaceRemover(line: e).remove() + ',')

        // parse them
        var parsedParameters = processParameterLines(
          intialIsOptional: true,

        if (fileDebugLvl > 5) {
          print('params: $params; parsed: ${parsedParameters.length}');

        // get widget
        var rawWidgetDj = RawWidgetDj(
          parameters: parsedParameters,
          name: constructorName!,
          originFilePath: itemPath,
          selfJsonSerialization: selfJsonSerialization,


        // and let the world know that we have got constructor
        constructorFound = 0;

        parameterLines = [];
        constructorName = null;
    } else if (constructorFound == 2 &&
        (line.isEmpty ||
            (line.endsWith('{') && line.contains(')')) ||
            (line.contains('=') && line.contains(')')) ||
            (line.contains('{') && line.endsWith('})')))) {
      constructorFound = 0;

          initialIsOptional: initialIsOptional,
          selfJsonSerialization: selfJsonSerialization,

      parameterLines = [];
      constructorName = null;

    if (constructorFound == 2 && !constructorLess) {
      if (fileDebugLvl > 5 &&
          KEEP_ONLY_WIDGET != null &&
          KEEP_ONLY_WIDGET == constructorName) {
        print("line: '$line'");

  return rawWidgetDjs;