padding method

void padding({
  1. double? all,
  2. double? horizontal,
  3. double? vertical,
  4. double? top,
  5. double? bottom,
  6. double? left,
  7. double? right,

Empty space to inscribe inside the decoration. The child, if any, is placed inside this padding.

All properties work together

..padding(all: 10, bottom: 20) // gives a different padding at the bottom


void padding(
    {double? all,
    double? horizontal,
    double? vertical,
    double? top,
    double? bottom,
    double? left,
    double? right}) {
  _styleModel.padding = EdgeInsets.only(
      top: top ?? vertical ?? all ?? 0.0,
      bottom: bottom ?? vertical ?? all ?? 0.0,
      left: left ?? horizontal ?? all ?? 0.0,
      right: right ?? horizontal ?? all ?? 0.0);