borderRadius method

void borderRadius({
  1. double? all,
  2. double? topLeft,
  3. double? topRight,
  4. double? bottomLeft,
  5. double? bottomRight,

It is valid to use all together with single sided properties. Single sided properties will trump over the all property.


void borderRadius(
    {double? all,
    double? topLeft,
    double? topRight,
    double? bottomLeft,
    double? bottomRight}) {
  _styleModel.borderRadius = BorderRadius.only(
    topLeft: Radius.circular(topLeft ?? all ?? 0.0),
    topRight: Radius.circular(topRight ?? all ?? 0.0),
    bottomLeft: Radius.circular(bottomLeft ?? all ?? 0.0),
    bottomRight: Radius.circular(bottomRight ?? all ?? 0.0),