inputsFromType method

List<Map<String, String>> inputsFromType(
  1. String inputTypeId

Get a list of inputs from input type. Returns an array of maps with keys id and name.


List<Map<String, String>> inputsFromType(String inputTypeId) {
  final List<Map<String, String>> list = [];

  final sourceProps = _lib.obs_get_source_properties(inputTypeId.int8());

  if (sourceProps != ffi.nullptr) {
    ffi.Pointer<ffi.Pointer<obs_property>> propertyOut = calloc();

    var property = _lib.obs_properties_first(sourceProps);
    while (property != ffi.nullptr) {
      final type = _lib.obs_property_get_type(property);
      if (type == obs_property_type.OBS_PROPERTY_LIST) {
        final count = _lib.obs_property_list_item_count(property);
        for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
          final disabled = _lib.obs_property_list_item_disabled(property, index);
          final name = _lib.obs_property_list_item_name(property, index).string;
          final uid = _lib.obs_property_list_item_string(property, index).string;
          if (disabled == 0 && name != null && uid != null && name.isNotEmpty && uid.isNotEmpty) {
            list.add({"id": uid, "name": name, "type_id": inputTypeId});
      propertyOut.value = property;
      final rv = _lib.obs_property_next(propertyOut);
      property = rv == 1 ? propertyOut.value : ffi.nullptr;

  return list;