get static method

Future<DirTreeModel?> get({
  1. required String path,
  2. DirectoryTreeOptions? options,
  3. DirectoryTreeFunc? onEachFile,
  4. DirectoryTreeFunc? onEachDirectory,

Collects the files and folders for a directory path into an Object, subject to the options supplied, and invoking optional

String path

DirectoryTreeOptions options

DirectoryTreeFunc onEachFile

DirectoryTreeFunc onEachDirectory


static Future<DirTreeModel?> get({
  required String path,
  DirectoryTreeOptions? options,
  DirectoryTreeFunc? onEachFile,
  DirectoryTreeFunc? onEachDirectory,
}) async {
  var name = PATH.basename(path);

  path = options != null && options.normalizePath
      ? PATH.normalize(
      : path;

  DirTreeModel item = DirTreeModel(
    name: name,
    path: PATH.normalize(

  late FileStat stats;

  try {
    stats = await File(path).stat();
  } catch (e) {
    return null;

  // Skip if it matches the exclude regex
  if (options != null && options.exclude != null) {
    for (var item in options.exclude!) {
      if (item.hasMatch(path)) {
        return null;

  if (stats.type == FileSystemEntityType.file) {
    var ext = PATH.extension(path).toLowerCase();

    // Skip if it does not match the extension regex
    if (options != null && options.extensions.contains(ext) == false)
      return null;

    item = item.copyWith(
      size: stats.size,
      ext: ext,
      type: '${stats.type}',
    ); // File size in bytes

    if (onEachFile != null) {
      onEachFile(item, path, stats);
  } else if (stats.type == {
    var children = <DirTreeModel>[];

    var list = await Directory(path).list(recursive: true);

    await for (var e in list) {
      final item = await get(
        path: e.path,
        options: options,
        onEachFile: onEachFile,
        onEachDirectory: onEachDirectory,

      if (item != null) {

    final size = children.length > 0
        ? => e.size).reduce(
              (a, b) => a + b,
        : 0;

    item = item.copyWith(
      children: children,
      size: size,
      type: '${}',

    if (onEachDirectory != null) {
      onEachDirectory(item, path, stats);
  } else {
    return null; // Or set item.size = 0 for devices, FIFO and sockets ?
  return item;