dio_smart_retry library

Retry library for Dio package made with love


An interceptor that will try to send failed request again


OptionsX on Options
RequestOptionsX on RequestOptions


defaultRetryableStatuses → const Set<int>
retryableStatuses → const Set<int>
status100Continue → const int
status101SwitchingProtocols → const int
status102Processing → const int
status200OK → const int
status201Created → const int
status202Accepted → const int
status203NonAuthoritative → const int
status204NoContent → const int
status205ResetContent → const int
status206PartialContent → const int
status207Multistatus → const int
status208AlreadyReported → const int
status226IMUsed → const int
status300MultipleChoices → const int
status301MovedPermanently → const int
status302Found → const int
status303SeeOther → const int
status304NotModified → const int
status305UseProxy → const int
status306SwitchProxy → const int
status307TemporaryRedirect → const int
status308PermanentRedirect → const int
status400BadRequest → const int
status401Unauthorized → const int
status402PaymentRequired → const int
status403Forbidden → const int
status404NotFound → const int
status405MethodNotAllowed → const int
status406NotAcceptable → const int
status407ProxyAuthenticationRequired → const int
status408RequestTimeout → const int
status409Conflict → const int
status410Gone → const int
status411LengthRequired → const int
status412PreconditionFailed → const int
status413PayloadTooLarge → const int
status413RequestEntityTooLarge → const int
status414RequestUriTooLong → const int
status414UriTooLong → const int
status415UnsupportedMediaType → const int
status416RangeNotSatisfiable → const int
status416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable → const int
status417ExpectationFailed → const int
status418ImATeapot → const int
status419AuthenticationTimeout → const int
status421MisdirectedRequest → const int
status422UnprocessableEntity → const int
status423Locked → const int
status424FailedDependency → const int
status426UpgradeRequired → const int
status428PreconditionRequired → const int
status429TooManyRequests → const int
status431RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge → const int
status440LoginTimeout → const int
From IIS
status451UnavailableForLegalReasons → const int
status460ClientClosedRequest → const int
From AWS Elastic Load Balancer
status499ClientClosedRequest → const int
From ngnix
status500InternalServerError → const int
status501NotImplemented → const int
status502BadGateway → const int
status503ServiceUnavailable → const int
status504GatewayTimeout → const int
status505HttpVersionNotSupported → const int
status506VariantAlsoNegotiates → const int
status507InsufficientStorage → const int
status508LoopDetected → const int
status510NotExtended → const int
status511NetworkAuthenticationRequired → const int
status520WebServerReturnedUnknownError → const int
status521WebServerIsDown → const int
status522ConnectionTimedOut → const int
status523OriginIsUnreachable → const int
status524TimeoutOccurred → const int
status525SSLHandshakeFailed → const int
status526InvalidSSLCertificate → const int
status527RailgunError → const int
status598NetworkReadTimeoutError → const int
status599NetworkConnectTimeoutError → const int


isRetryable(int statusCode) bool
Be careful: this method do not take into account RetryInterceptor.retryableExtraStatuses


RetryEvaluator = FutureOr<bool> Function(DioException error, int attempt)