Dio Token Manager and Refresher

A Flutter package for managing and refreshing tokens using Dio. Includes token storage, automatic header injection, and customizable refresh strategies.


  • Manage access and refresh tokens securely.
  • Automatically add authorization headers to requests.
  • Customizable token refresh strategies.
  • Easy integration with Dio interceptors.


Add dio_refresh_token to your pubspec.yaml:

  dio_refresh_token: ^0.0.1

Install the package:

flutter pub get


Adding the Interceptor

To use the TokenInterceptor, you need to add it to your Dio instance. Here's an example of how to do this:

  1. Import the necessary packages:
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:dio_refresh_token/dio_refresh_token.dart';
  1. Create and configure your Dio instance:
final dio = Dio();
  1. Create an instance of TokenManager:
final tokenManager = TokenManagerImpl();
  1. Define your token refresh logic by creating an instance of TokenRefreshStrategyImpl:
final tokenRefreshStrategy = TokenRefreshStrategyImpl(
  refreshHandler: (dio, refreshToken) async {
    // Implement your refresh token logic here
    return Response(
      requestOptions: RequestOptions(path: ''),
      statusCode: 200,
      data: {'access_token': 'newAccessToken', 'refresh_token': 'newRefreshToken'},
  accessTokenExtractor: (response) => response.data['access_token'],
  refreshTokenExtractor: (response) => response.data['refresh_token'],


  • refreshHandler: A function that takes a Dio instance and a refresh token as parameters. This function should implement the logic to request a new access token using the refresh token. It should return a Response containing the new tokens.


    (dio, refreshToken) async {
      // Request new tokens
      return Response(
        requestOptions: RequestOptions(path: ''),
        statusCode: 200,
        data: {'access_token': 'newAccessToken', 'refresh_token': 'newRefreshToken'},
  • accessTokenExtractor: A function that takes a Response as a parameter and extracts the new access token from the response.


    (response) => response.data['access_token']
  • refreshTokenExtractor: A function that takes a Response as a parameter and extracts the new refresh token from the response.


    (response) => response.data['refresh_token']
  1. Add the TokenInterceptor to your Dio instance:
  tokenManager: tokenManager,
  tokenRefreshStrategy: tokenRefreshStrategy,
  1. Now you can use Dio as usual:
final response = await dio.get('https://api.example.com/data');

Using TokenManager

The TokenManager class provides methods to manage tokens. Here's how to use it:

import 'package:dio_refresh_token/dio_refresh_token.dart';

void main() async {
  final tokenManager = TokenManagerImpl();

  // Save tokens
  await tokenManager.saveAccessToken('your_access_token');
  await tokenManager.saveRefreshToken('your_refresh_token');

  // Get tokens
  final accessToken = await tokenManager.getAccessToken();
  final refreshToken = await tokenManager.getRefreshToken();

  // Clear tokens
  await tokenManager.clearAccessToken();
  await tokenManager.clearRefreshToken();


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request or create an issue on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


The dio_refresh_token library provides the necessary components for handling token-based authentication with automatic token refresh functionality.