Refresh Token For Dio
dio_refresh_bot is an interceptor that attempts to simplify custom API authentication by transparently integrating token refresh and caching.
dio_refresh_bot: is flexible and is intended to support custom token refresh mechanisms.
A dio interceptor for a built-in token refresh.
Getting started
Add dependency #
dio_refresh_bot: ^1.0.0 #latest version
- Create a new instance from Dio
final dio = Dio();
- Creat new class whose has extends from BotMemoryTokenStorage
class TokenStorageImpl extends BotMemoryTokenStorage<AuthToken> {}
and you will get override AuthToken init
// and you will get overrid AuthToken init
AuthToken? get initValue => const AuthToken(
accessToken: '<Your Initial Access Token>',
refreshToken: '<Your Initial Refresh Token>',
tokenType: '<Your Initial Token Type>',
// You Can make the token expire in your code
// without expiring it from the API call (Optional)
expiresIn: Duration(days: 1),
AuthToken? get initValue => null;
- Then Create a new intance from TokenStorageImpl
final storage = TokenStorageImpl();
- Then Add RefreshTokenInterceptor to Dio Interceptors
// pass your dio instance
dio: dio,
// pass your storage instance
tokenStorage: storage,
// we have sperable instance for Dio
// [tokenDio] you can get your dio instance for refresh method
// [token] is AuthToken object storage
refreshToken: (token, tokenDio) async {
final response = await<dynamic>(
data: {'refreshToken': token.refreshToken},
return AuthToken.fromMap( as Map<String, dynamic>);
Additional information
We add listen for your storage when your token has Created, Updated, or Deleted
// listen to the token changes;
// listen to auth state changes