dio_http_cache library


buildCacheOptions(Duration maxAge, {Duration? maxStale, String? primaryKey, String? subKey, Options? options, bool? forceRefresh}) → Options
build a normal cache options
buildConfigurableCacheOptions({Options? options, Duration? maxAge, Duration? maxStale, String? primaryKey, String? subKey, bool? forceRefresh}) → Options
if null==maxAge, will try to get maxAge and maxStale from response headers. local settings will always overview the value get from service.
buildServiceCacheOptions({Options? options, Duration? maxStale, String? primaryKey, String? subKey, bool? forceRefresh}) → Options
try to get maxAge and maxStale from response headers. local settings will always overview the value get from service.


Decrypt = Future<List<int>> Function(List<int> str)
Encrypt = Future<List<int>> Function(List<int> str)
NeedPushToCache = Future<bool> Function(Response response)
TryUseCache = Future<bool> Function(Response response)