convertLogsToUserActionModels method

List<UserActionModel> convertLogsToUserActionModels(
  1. List<String> logs


List<UserActionModel> convertLogsToUserActionModels(List<String> logs) {
  List<UserActionModel> userActionModels = [];

  for (var log in logs) {
    try {
      // Parse each log string into a Map using JSON decoding
      Map<String, dynamic> logMap = jsonDecode(log);

      // Use the generated mappers to create a UserActionModel from the log data
      UserActionModel model = UserActionModelMapper.fromMap(logMap);

      // Add the model to the list
    } catch (e) {
      if (kDebugMode) {
        print('Error parsing log: $log, error: $e');

  return userActionModels;