diff_cleanupEfficiency method

void diff_cleanupEfficiency(
  1. List<Diff> diffs

Reduce the number of edits by eliminating operationally trivial equalities. diffs is a List of Diff objects.


void diff_cleanupEfficiency(List<Diff> diffs) {
  bool changes = false;
  // Stack of indices where equalities are found.
  final equalities = <int>[];
  // Always equal to diffs[equalities.last()].text
  String? lastEquality;
  int pointer = 0; // Index of current position.
  // Is there an insertion operation before the last equality.
  bool pre_ins = false;
  // Is there a deletion operation before the last equality.
  bool pre_del = false;
  // Is there an insertion operation after the last equality.
  bool post_ins = false;
  // Is there a deletion operation after the last equality.
  bool post_del = false;
  while (pointer < diffs.length) {
    if (diffs[pointer].operation == Operation.equal) {
      // Equality found.
      if (diffs[pointer].text.length < Diff_EditCost &&
          (post_ins || post_del)) {
        // Candidate found.
        pre_ins = post_ins;
        pre_del = post_del;
        lastEquality = diffs[pointer].text;
      } else {
        // Not a candidate, and can never become one.
        lastEquality = null;
      post_ins = post_del = false;
    } else {
      // An insertion or deletion.
      if (diffs[pointer].operation == Operation.delete) {
        post_del = true;
      } else {
        post_ins = true;
       * Five types to be split:
       * <ins>A</ins><del>B</del>XY<ins>C</ins><del>D</del>
       * <ins>A</ins>X<ins>C</ins><del>D</del>
       * <ins>A</ins><del>B</del>X<ins>C</ins>
       * <ins>A</del>X<ins>C</ins><del>D</del>
       * <ins>A</ins><del>B</del>X<del>C</del>
      if (lastEquality != null &&
          ((pre_ins && pre_del && post_ins && post_del) ||
              ((lastEquality.length < Diff_EditCost / 2) &&
                  ((pre_ins ? 1 : 0) +
                          (pre_del ? 1 : 0) +
                          (post_ins ? 1 : 0) +
                          (post_del ? 1 : 0)) ==
                      3))) {
        // Duplicate record.
            equalities.last, Diff(Operation.delete, lastEquality));
        // Change second copy to insert.
        diffs[equalities.last + 1].operation = Operation.insert;
        equalities.removeLast(); // Throw away the equality we just deleted.
        lastEquality = null;
        if (pre_ins && pre_del) {
          // No changes made which could affect previous entry, keep going.
          post_ins = post_del = true;
        } else {
          if (equalities.isNotEmpty) {
          pointer = equalities.isEmpty ? -1 : equalities.last;
          post_ins = post_del = false;
        changes = true;

  if (changes) {