match function

int match(
  1. String text,
  2. String pattern,
  3. int loc, {
  4. double threshold = 0.5,
  5. int distance = 1000,

Locate the best instance of pattern in text near loc. Returns -1 if no match found.

  • text is the text to search.
  • pattern is the pattern to search for.
  • loc is the location to search around.
  • threshold At what point is no match declared (0.0 = perfection, 1.0 = very loose).
  • distance How far to search for a match (0 = exact location, 1000+ = broad match). A match this many characters away from the expected location will add 1.0 to the score (0.0 is a perfect match).

Returns the best match index or -1.


int match(String text, String pattern, int loc,
    {double threshold = 0.5, int distance = 1000}) {
  loc = max(0, min(loc, text.length));
  if (text == pattern) {
    // Shortcut (potentially not guaranteed by the algorithm)
    return 0;
  } else if (text.isEmpty) {
    // Nothing to match.
    return -1;
  } else if (loc + pattern.length <= text.length &&
      text.substring(loc, loc + pattern.length) == pattern) {
    // Perfect match at the perfect spot!  (Includes case of null pattern)
    return loc;
  } else {
    // Do a fuzzy compare.
    return matchBitap(text, pattern, loc, threshold, distance);