Dialogs - dialogs

This flutter package provides aesthetically designed dialog box with customization options.

Now comes with legacy_progress_dialog

Choice Dialog

Choice Dialog Choice Dialog Rectangular Choice Dialog Rectangular Buttons

Message Dialog

Message Dialog Gif Message Dialog Message Dialog

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Simple Usage

To use this plugin, add dialogs as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


  • import 'package:dialogs/dialogs.dart';


  • use ChoiceDialog().show() function to display the dialog.



final choiceDialog = ChoiceDialog();


  • use MessageDialog().show() function and call the Choice Dialog .



final messageDialog = MessageDialog();

Show progress dialog :

//Create an instance of ProgressDialog
ProgressDialog progressDialog = ProgressDialog(
                  context: context,
                  backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
                  textColor: Colors.White,
// show dialog

//close dialog

You are good to go 💯

In order to add the ChoiceDialog, MessageDialog to your app, there are several attributes that are important parameters that you might need frequently:

Attribute Type Default Required Description
buttonOkOnPressed Function() Navigator.pop(context) No This function will be registered as the callback of 'Ok' button.
buttonCancelOnPressed Function() Navigator.pop(context) No This function will be registered as the callback of 'Cancel' button.
dialogRadius double 15.0 No Determines the borderRadius of dialog box.
buttonRadius double 18.0 No Determines the borderRadius of action buttons.
iconButtonOk Icon null No Renders a FlatButton with the provided icon for positive action.
iconButtonCancel Icon null No Renders a FlatButton with the provided icon for negative action.

show() also provides some useful parameters of showDialog() function

Attribute Type Default Required Description
context BuildContext Null Yes The context argument is used to look up the Navigator and Theme for the dialog.
barrierDismissible bool true No Indicates whether tapping on the barrier will dismiss the dialog.
barrierColor Color Colors.black54 No Specifies the color of the modal barrier that darkens everything below the dialog.



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