streamingDetectIntent method

Stream<StreamingDetectIntentResponse> streamingDetectIntent(
  1. dynamic config,
  2. Stream<List<int>> audioStream

Processes a natural language query in audio format in a streaming fashion and returns structured, actionable data as a result. This method is only available via the gRPC API (not REST). Sends a StreamingDetectIntentResponse to the Dialogflow API Requires a InputAudioConfig and an audioStream.

var config = InputConfig(
  encoding: 'AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR_16',
  languageCode: 'en-US',
  sampleRateHertz: 8000

final responseStream = dialogflow.streamingDetectIntent(config, _audioStream);
responseStream.listen((data) {


Stream<StreamingDetectIntentResponse> streamingDetectIntent(
    InputConfigV2 config, Stream<List<int>> audioStream)   {

  // Create the stream, which later transmits the necessary
  // data to the Google API
  final request = StreamController<StreamingDetectIntentRequest>();
  // add the session to the request
  // print(DialogflowAuth.session);

  QueryInput queryInput = QueryInput()..audioConfig = config.cast();

    ..queryInput = queryInput
    ..session = DialogflowAuth.session

  // Send the request first
  // Afterwards start streaming the audio
  _audioStreamSubscription = audioStream.listen((audio) {
    // Add audio content when stream changes.
    request.add(StreamingDetectIntentRequest()..inputAudio = audio);

  _audioStreamSubscription.onDone(() {
    // Close the request stream, if the audio stream is finished.

  return client.streamingDetectIntent(;