defaultBody property

String get defaultBody

Generate default HTML for this HTTP error without fail contains information about status and message additional, can contains information about exception and stackTrace


String get defaultBody {
  var res = '''<html lang="en">
    <title>$_status $_message</title>
    <h1>$_status $_message</h1>''';
  if (_exception != null) {
    res += '<h2>$_exception</h2>';
  if (_stackTrace != null) {
    res += '''<h3>StackTrace</h3>
    final stack = _stackTrace.toString().split('\n');
    for (var index = 0; index < stack.length; index++) {
      final str = stack[index];
      res += '$str<br/>';

    res += '</p>';

  res += '''

  return res;