showActionSheetModal static method

Future showActionSheetModal({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required Widget actionSheetContainer,
  3. double initialHeightRatio = 0.3,
  4. double minHeightRatio = 0.1,
  5. double maxHeightRatio = 0.85,
  6. double topBorderRadius = 20.0,


static Future showActionSheetModal({
  required BuildContext context,
  required Widget actionSheetContainer,
  double initialHeightRatio = 0.3,
  double minHeightRatio = 0.1,
  double maxHeightRatio = 0.85,
  double topBorderRadius = 20.0,
}) {
  // Ensures that the maxHeightRatio is not greater than 0.85 if it's less than
  // the initialHeightRatio.
  maxHeightRatio = maxHeightRatio > 0 ? maxHeightRatio : 0.85;

  // showModalBottomSheet is a Flutter method that displays a bottom sheet,
  // which is a piece of secondary content that slides up from the bottom of
  // the screen.
  return showModalBottomSheet(
    context: context, // The BuildContext required for showModalBottomSheet.
    isDismissible: false, // Whether the user can dismiss the bottom sheet by
    // dragging it down.
    isScrollControlled: true, // Whether the bottom sheet can be scrolled.
    backgroundColor: Colors.transparent, // Transparent background color.
    builder: (context) => GestureDetector(
      // A GestureDetector widget that detects gestures and triggers callbacks
      // when a gesture is recognized.
      behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, // Makes the GestureDetector opaque.
      onTap: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(), // Closes the bottom sheet.
      child: GestureDetector(
        // Another GestureDetector that does not react to taps.
        onTap: () {},
        child: DraggableScrollableSheet(
          // A scrollable sheet that can be dragged to reveal or hide its content.
          initialChildSize: initialHeightRatio, // Initial height ratio.
          maxChildSize: maxHeightRatio < initialHeightRatio
              ? initialHeightRatio
              : maxHeightRatio, // Maximum height ratio.
          minChildSize: minHeightRatio < initialHeightRatio
              ? minHeightRatio
              : initialHeightRatio, // Minimum height ratio.
          builder: (
            BuildContext context,
            ScrollController scrollController,
          ) {
            // The builder function that returns the content of the sheet.
            return Padding(
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                bottom: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets.bottom,
              ), // Adds padding to the bottom of the sheet to avoid covering
              // the on-screen keyboard.
              child: Container(
                decoration: BoxDecoration(
                  color: Colors.white, // White background color.
                  borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
                    top: Radius.circular(topBorderRadius),
                  ), // Top border radius.
                child: Container(
                  margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                    horizontal: 1.0,
                  ), // Horizontal margin for the inner container.
                  decoration: BoxDecoration(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
                      top: Radius.circular(topBorderRadius),
                    ), // Top border radius for the inner container.
                      actionSheetContainer, // Dynamic widget for content of a specific action sheet