DashboardController class

Controller for managing the dashboard widget's state and functionality during navigation.

This controller handles:

  • Real-time navigation updates (distance, duration)
  • Sound settings management
  • Route visualization
  • Navigation state formatting

The controller requires both navigationManager and map instances to function properly.

Usage with NavigationLayoutWidget: This controller is created automatically by the widget and provided through the builder function in NavigationLayoutWidget's constructor:

  dashboardWidgetBuilder: (controller, callback) => DashboardWidget(
    controller: controller,
    onHeaderChangeSize: callback,
    onFinishClicked: () => navigationManager.stop(),

This architecture allows the controller to be used by custom widgets derived from DashboardWidget.

Example of controller usage:

// Access current state

// Format values
final formattedDistance = controller.formatDistance(localizations);
final formattedDuration = controller.formatDuration(localizations);

// Control navigation

Remember to dispose of the controller when it's no longer needed:


Controller also exposes sdk.Map and sdk.NavigationManager to widget so they can be used for some non-standart logic inside widget.


DashboardController.new({required NavigationManager navigationManager, required Map map})


distance int
The current distance remaining in meters.
no setter
duration int
The current duration remaining in seconds.
no setter
estimatedArrivalTime DateTime
The estimated time of arrival based on current duration.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
map Map
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
soundsEnabled bool
Whether navigation voice instructions are enabled.
no setter
state ValueNotifier<DashboardModel>
The current state of the dashboard as a ValueNotifier. Contains distance, duration, and sound settings.
no setter


dispose() → void
formatArrivalTime(DateFormat formatter) String
Formats the estimatedArrivalTime using the provided date formatter.
formatDistance(DgisLocalizations localizations) → FormattedMeasure
Formats the current distance according to the provided localizations. Returns a FormattedMeasure containing the value and unit.
formatDuration(DgisLocalizations localizations) → FormattedMeasure
Formats the current duration according to the provided localizations. Returns a FormattedMeasure containing the value and unit.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
showRoute() Future<void>
Shows the remaining route on the map. Calculates and moves the camera to fit the remaining route geometry.
stopNavigation() → void
Stops the current navigation session.
toggleSounds() → void
Toggles the sound state for navigation instructions. Updates the soundsEnabled state and state accordingly.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.