mapTextToColor function

Color mapTextToColor(
  1. String text, {
  2. double saturation = 0.35,
  3. double lightness = 0.7,
  4. Color blendColor = const Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
  5. double blendWeight = 0.0,


Color mapTextToColor(
  String text, {
  double saturation = 0.35,
  double lightness = 0.7,
  Color blendColor = const Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
  double blendWeight = 0.0,
}) {
  // Generate a hash value from the name.
  final bytes = utf8.encode(text);
  final hash = sha256.convert(bytes);
  final hashString = hash.toString();

  // Convert the first 8 characters of the hash to an integer.
  final hashInteger = int.parse(hashString.substring(0, 8), radix: 16);

  // Map the hash integer to a hue value between 0 and 359.
  final hue = hashInteger % 360;

  // Create a color with the desired saturation, lightness, and alpha values.
  final baseColor =
      HSLColor.fromAHSL(1.0, hue.toDouble(), saturation, lightness).toColor();

  // Blend the base color with the blend color using the specified blend weight.
  final blendedColor = blendWeight > 0.0
      ? LerpColorBlender(
          color1: baseColor,
          color2: blendColor,
          blendWeight: blendWeight,
      : baseColor;
  return blendedColor;