type static method

Entity<String> type(
  1. Object baseType, [
  2. List<Object> subTypes = const []

Constructs a Entity representation by replacing occurrences of Object or dynamic in the baseType with corresponding values from subTypes. The replacements are applied sequentially based on their order in subTypes.

If no subTypes are provided, the method returns the baseType as-is (after trimming spaces).


// Example 1: Replacing multiple generic placeholders
final type1 = Entity.type(Map<Object, Object>, [String, int]);
print(type1); // Output: Map<String,int>

// Example 2: Replacing `dynamic`
final type2 = Entity.type('List<dynamic>', ['int']);
print(type2); // Output: List<int>

// Example 3: Handling non-generic types
final type3 = Entity.type(int);
print(type3); // Output: int

// Example 4: More complex generics
final type4 = Entity.type(Map<dynamic, List<Object>>, ['String', 'int']);
print(type4); // Output: Map<String,List<int>>


static Entity<String> type(
  Object baseType, [
  List<Object> subTypes = const [],
]) {
  final objectStr = '$Object';
  final dynamicStr = '$dynamic';
  final cleanBaseType = baseType.toString().replaceAll(' ', '');
  var subTypeIndex = 0;

  // Build a new type string by replacing 'Object' or 'dynamic' with subTypes.
  final buffer = StringBuffer();
  for (var n = 0; n < cleanBaseType.length; n++) {
    // Check for 'Object' or 'dynamic' at the current position.
    if (cleanBaseType.startsWith(objectStr, n) ||
        cleanBaseType.startsWith(dynamicStr, n)) {
      // Replace with the next subtype from subTypes if available.
      if (subTypeIndex < subTypes.length) {
      } else {
        // Retain 'Object' or 'dynamic' if no subtypes are left.
          cleanBaseType.startsWith(objectStr, n) ? objectStr : dynamicStr,

      // Skip ahead over the matched word.
      n += cleanBaseType.startsWith(objectStr, n)
          ? objectStr.length - 1
          : dynamicStr.length - 1;
    } else {
      // Append the current character if it's not part of 'Object' or 'dynamic'.

  // Return the constructed type string wrapped in a Entity object.
  return Entity(buffer.toString());