add<T> method

FutureOr<T> add<T>(
  1. TSyncOrAsyncMapper<dynamic, T> function, {
  2. Duration? buffer,

Adds a new function to the queue. The function will be executed immediately after all previously added functions have completed.

If the buffer parameter is provided, the function is executed alongside a buffer duration. This ensures that the total execution time of the function is at least as long as the buffer duration, which can be useful for throttling operations and ensuring a minimum duration for each task.

The method returns a FutureOr that completes when both the function and all preceding functions in the queue have completed. This means, when awaiting, the returned FutureOr will resolve only after all prev functions, including any added with a buffer, have finished executing.


FutureOr<T> add<T>(
  TSyncOrAsyncMapper<dynamic, T> function, {
  Duration? buffer,
}) {
  final executable = _Executable<T>(
    buffer == null
        ? function
        : (prev) async => (await Future.wait<T>([
  final result =
      mapSyncOrAsync(_execute(), (_) => executable.completer.futureOr);
  return result;