flattenJson method

Map<String, dynamic> flattenJson(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> input, {
  2. String separator = '.',

Flattens a nested JSON object into a single-level map with string keys.

The function can handle nested structures containing other Maps and Lists. In the case of Lists, the list indices are included in the flattened keys.


  • input The nested Map to be flattened. This map can contain other maps, lists, and basic data types (e.g., String, int, bool).
  • separator A string used to separate the segments of the path in the keys of the resulting flat map. Defaults to ..


A Map where each key is a path composed of the keys from the original nested map (and indices for lists), separated by separator, leading to the corresponding value.

Example Usage:

final nestedJson = {
  'user': {
    'name': 'Phillip Sherman',
    'address': {
      'street': '42 Wallaby Way',
      'city': 'Sydney',
      'zip': '2000'
  'emails': [

final flattened = flattenJson(nestedJson);
// Output:
// {
//   'user.name': 'hillip Sherman',
//   'user.address.street': '42 Wallaby Way',
//   'user.address.city': 'Sydney',
//   'user.address.zip': '2000',
//   'emails.0': 'p.sherman@sydneydental.com.au',
//   'emails.1': 'phillip.sherman@gmail.com'
// }


Map<String, dynamic> flattenJson(
  Map<String, dynamic> input, {
  String separator = '.',
}) {
  Map<String, dynamic> $flattenJson(dynamic input, [String prefix = '']) {
    final result = <String, dynamic>{};
    void flatten(String path, dynamic value) {
      if (value is Map) {
        for (final entry in value.entries) {
          final k = entry.key;
          final v = entry.value;
          final newPath = path.isEmpty ? k.toString() : '$path$separator$k';
          flatten(newPath, v);
      } else if (value is List) {
        for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
          flatten('$path$separator$i', value[i]);
      } else {
        result[path] = value;

    flatten(prefix, input);
    return result;

  return $flattenJson(input);