flattenJson method
Flattens a nested JSON object into a single-level map with string keys.
The function can handle nested structures containing other Maps and Lists. In the case of Lists, the list indices are included in the flattened keys.
The nested Map to be flattened. This map can contain other maps, lists, and basic data types (e.g., String, int, bool).separator
A string used to separate the segments of the path in the keys of the resulting flat map. Defaults to.
A Map where each key is a path composed of the keys from the original
nested map (and indices for lists), separated by separator
, leading to
the corresponding value.
Example Usage:
final nestedJson = {
'user': {
'name': 'Phillip Sherman',
'address': {
'street': '42 Wallaby Way',
'city': 'Sydney',
'zip': '2000'
'emails': [
final flattened = flattenJson(nestedJson);
// Output:
// {
// 'user.name': 'hillip Sherman',
// 'user.address.street': '42 Wallaby Way',
// 'user.address.city': 'Sydney',
// 'user.address.zip': '2000',
// 'emails.0': 'p.sherman@sydneydental.com.au',
// 'emails.1': 'phillip.sherman@gmail.com'
// }
Map<String, dynamic> flattenJson(
Map<String, dynamic> input, {
String separator = '.',
}) {
Map<String, dynamic> $flattenJson(dynamic input, [String prefix = '']) {
final result = <String, dynamic>{};
void flatten(String path, dynamic value) {
if (value is Map) {
for (final entry in value.entries) {
final k = entry.key;
final v = entry.value;
final newPath = path.isEmpty ? k.toString() : '$path$separator$k';
flatten(newPath, v);
} else if (value is List) {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
flatten('$path$separator$i', value[i]);
} else {
result[path] = value;
flatten(prefix, input);
return result;
return $flattenJson(input);