StringCaseConversionsOnStringExtension extension



isLowerCase bool
Returns true if the string is all lowercase.
no setter
isUpperCase bool
Returns true if the string is all uppercase.
no setter


capitalize() String
Capitalizes the first letter of the string.
toCamelCase() String
Converts the string to camelCase.
toDotCase() String
Converts the string to
toKebabCase() String
Converts the string to kebab-case.
toLowerDotCase() String
Converts the string to (alias for toDotCase).
toLowerKebabCase() String
Converts the string to lower-kebab-case (alias for toKebabCase).
toLowerSnakeCase() String
Converts the string to lower_snake_case (alias for toSnakeCase).
toPascalCase() String
Converts the string to PascalCase.
toPathCase([String separator = '/']) String
Converts the string to path/case.
toSnakeCase() String
Converts the string to snake_case.
toUpperDotCase() String
Converts the string to UPPER.DOT.CASE.
toUpperKebabCase() String
Converts the string to lower-kebab-case.
toUpperSnakeCase() String
Converts the string to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE;
withCapitalizedWords() String
Capitalizes each word in the string.
withFirstLetterAsLowerCase() String
Converts the first letter of the string to lowercase.
withFirstLetterAsUpperCase() String
Converts the first letter of the string to uppercase.