Dart & Flutter Packages by dev-cetera.com & contributors.

pub package MIT License


This package is designed to simplify and enhance interactions with Dart types. It provides tools for converting between types, checking type properties, and managing synchronous and asynchronous operations.

For a full feature set, please refer to the API reference.


enum Alphabet { A, B, C }

void main() async {
  print('Convert a String to an enum:\n');
  print(Alphabet.values.valueOf('A') == Alphabet.A); // true
  print(Alphabet.values.valueOf('a') == Alphabet.A); // true
  print(Alphabet.values.valueOf('b')); // Alphabet.B
  print(Alphabet.values.valueOf('qwerty') == null); // true

  print('\n*** Check if a type is nullable:\n');
  print(isNullable<String>()); // false
  print(isNullable<String?>()); // true
  print(isNullable<Null>()); // true

  print('\n*** Check if a type a subtype of another::\n');
  print(isSubtype<int, num>()); // true
  print(isSubtype<num, int>()); // false
  print(isSubtype<Future<int>, Future<dynamic>>()); // true
  print(isSubtype<Future<dynamic>, Future<int>>()); // false
  print(isSubtype<int Function(int), Function>()); // true
  print(isSubtype<Function, int Function(int)>()); // false

  print('\n*** Check if a type can be compared by value:\n');
  print(isEquatable<double>()); // true
  print(isEquatable<Null>()); // true
  print(isEquatable<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>()); // false
  print(isEquatable<Equatable>()); // true

  print('\n*** Only let a value be of a certain type, or return null:\n');
  print(letAsOrNull<String>(DateTime.now())); // null
  print(letAsOrNull<DateTime>(DateTime.now())); // returns the value
  print(letAsOrNull<DateTime?>(DateTime.now())); // returns the value
  print(letAsOrNull<DateTime?>(null)); // null

  print('\n*** Lazy-convert types to an int or return null:\n');
  final int? i = letIntOrNull('55');
  print(i); // 55

  print('\n*** Lazy-convert maps from one type to another or return null:\n');
  final Map<String, int>? m = letMapOrNull<String, int>({55: '56'});
  print(m); // {55, 56}

  print('\n*** Lazy-convert lists or return null:\n');
  print(letListOrNull<int>('1, 2, 3, 4')); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  print(letListOrNull<int>('[1, 2, 3, 4]')); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  print(letListOrNull<int>([1, 2, 3, 4])); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
  print(letListOrNull<int>(1)); // [1]

  print('\n*** Lazy-convert to double or return null:\n');
  print(letOrNull<double>('123')); // 123.0

  print('\n*** Convert a String to a Duration:\n');
  final Duration duration = const ConvertStringToDuration('11:11:00.00').toDuration();
  print(duration); // 11:11:00.000000

  print('\n*** Use thenOr with FutureOr:\n');
  print(1.thenOr((prev) => prev + 1)); // 2
  FutureOr<double> pi = 3.14159;
  final doublePi = pi.thenOr((prev) => prev * 2);
  print(doublePi); // 6.2832
  FutureOr<double> e = Future.value(2.71828);
  final doubleE = e.thenOr((prev) => prev * 2);
  print(doubleE); // Instance of 'Future<double>'
  print(await doubleE); // 5.43656

Contributing and Discussions

This is an open-source project, and we warmly welcome contributions from everyone, regardless of experience level. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, contributing to this project is a fantastic way to learn, share your knowledge, and make a meaningful impact on the community.

Ways you can contribute

  • Buy me a coffee: If you'd like to support the project financially, consider buying me a coffee. Your support helps cover the costs of development and keeps the project growing.
  • Find us on Discord: Feel free to ask questions and engage with the community here: https://discord.gg/gEQ8y2nfyX.
  • Share your ideas: Every perspective matters, and your ideas can spark innovation.
  • Help others: Engage with other users by offering advice, solutions, or troubleshooting assistance.
  • Report bugs: Help us identify and fix issues to make the project more robust.
  • Suggest improvements or new features: Your ideas can help shape the future of the project.
  • Help clarify documentation: Good documentation is key to accessibility. You can make it easier for others to get started by improving or expanding our documentation.
  • Write articles: Share your knowledge by writing tutorials, guides, or blog posts about your experiences with the project. It's a great way to contribute and help others learn.

No matter how you choose to contribute, your involvement is greatly appreciated and valued!

We drink a lot of coffee...

If you're enjoying this package and find it valuable, consider showing your appreciation with a small donation. Every bit helps in supporting future development. You can donate here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dev_cetera


This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


A package designed to simplify and enhance interactions with Dart types.