DF Bulk Replace

Dart & Flutter Packages by DevCetra.com & contributors.

Pub Package MIT License


A command-line tool to perform bulk replacement of file names, folder names, and file contents within a specified directory.

How It Works

  1. The script scans the specified directory recursively and finds all files and folders.
  2. It replaces the occurrences of the replace pattern with the with pattern in the file contents, file names, and folder names.
  3. The script supports using capture groups in the replacement pattern using double curly braces {{}}.


dart pub global activate df_bulk_replace


dart pub global deactivate df_bulk_replace

Usage Examples

# Basic replacment.
bulkreplace --input test --replace "foo" --with "bar"
bulkreplace -i test -r "bar" -w "foo"
bulkreplace -i test -r "replace_me" -w "vervang_my"
bulkreplace -i test -r "vervang_my" -w "replace_me" # change back
bulkreplace -i test -r "replace_me" -w "vervang_my" && bulkreplace -i test -r "vervang_my" -w "replace_me"

# Using handlebars.
bulkreplace -i test -r "replace_me_(\\w)_(\\w)_(\\w)" -w "replace_me_{{2}}_{{1}}_{{0}}" --no-file-names --no-folder-names

# Whitelisting or blacklisting files.
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --blacklisted-files "blacklist_me_1.txt, blacklist_me_2.txt"
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --whitelisted-files "whitelist_me_1.txt, whitelist_me_2.txt"

# Whitelisting or blacklisting folders.
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --blacklisted-folders "_blacklist_me" -v
bulkreplace -i test -r "foo" -w "bar" --whitelisted-folders "_whitelist_me" -v

# For those familiar with RegExp, you can use regular expressions and capture groups.
bulkreplace --i . --replace "my_project_template(.*)" --with "hello_world{{1}}"


Prints help: -h or --help

Specifies the directory to search in: -i or --input

Specifies the regex pattern to replace: -r or --replace

Specifies the replacement string: -w or --with

Enables verbose output: -v or --verbose

Runs the program in dry-run mode (no files will be renamed): --dry-run

Specifies whether to replace file names or not. Default is true: -f or --file-names

Specifies whether to replace folder names or not. Default is true: -d or --folder-names

Specifies whether to replace file content or not. Default is true: -c or --content

Specifies whether to replace content in binary files or not. Default is false: -b or --binary-content

Include file name patterns to whitelist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --whitelisted-files

Include file name patterns to blacklist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --blacklisted-files

Specifies whether to add the default file whitelist or not. Default is true: --default-whitelisted-files

Specifies whether to add the default file blacklist or not. Default is true: --default-blacklisted-files

Include folder name patterns to whitelist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --whitelisted-folders

Include folder name patterns to blacklist. Separate multiple patterns with commas: --blacklisted-folders

Contributing and Discussions

This is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome from everyone, regardless of experience level. Contributing to projects is a great way to learn, share knowledge, and showcase your skills to the community. Join the discussions to ask questions, report bugs, suggest features, share ideas, or find out how you can contribute.

Join GitHub Discussions:

💬 https://github.com/robmllze/df_bulk_replace/discussions/

Join Reddit Discussions:

💬 https://www.reddit.com/r/df_bulk_replace/

Chief Maintainer:

📧 Email Robert Mollentze at robmllze@gmail.com


This project is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
