packageRootFromFileUriString function

Future<String> packageRootFromFileUriString(
  1. String fileUriString, {
  2. DartToolingDaemon? dtd,
  3. @visibleForTesting bool throwOnDtdSearchFailed = false,

Attempts to detect the package root of fileUriString, which is expected to be a proper file URI (i.e. starts with "file://").

This method first tries to use the Dart Tooling Daemon to walk the directory structure of fileUriString and look for the package root; we consider a directory to be a package root if it contains the .dart_tool directory.

If we cannot find the package root using the Dart Tooling Daemon, we use the heuristic that a Dart executable within a Dart package should reside in one of the following top-level folders:

  • lib
  • bin
  • integration_test
  • test
  • benchmark
  • example

The URI returned will be a file URI String and will NOT have a trailing slash.


Future<String> packageRootFromFileUriString(
  String fileUriString, {
  DartToolingDaemon? dtd,
  @visibleForTesting bool throwOnDtdSearchFailed = false,
}) async {
    'Invalid URI format: expected URI String to start with "$_fileUriPrefix".',

  if (dtd != null) {
    // Use type [Object] so we can store exceptions of all types.
    Object? exception;

    var uri = Uri.parse(fileUriString);
    while (uri.pathSegments.length > 1) {
      // Remove the last path segment.
      uri = uri.replace(
        pathSegments: uri.pathSegments.sublist(0, uri.pathSegments.length - 1),
      try {
        final directoryContents = await dtd.listDirectoryContents(uri);
        final containsDartToolDirectory = (directoryContents.uris ?? const [])
            .any((uri) => uri.path.endsWith('.dart_tool/'));
        if (containsDartToolDirectory) {
          final uriAsString = uri.toString();
          return _assertUriFormatAndReturn(
                ? uriAsString.substring(0, uriAsString.length - 1)
                : uriAsString,
      } catch (e) {
        // Fail gracefully on exception, and proceed to using heuristic below.
        exception = e;
    if (throwOnDtdSearchFailed) {
      throw Exception('Expected DTD to detect the package root, but it failed'
          '${exception != null ? ' with exception: $exception' : '.'}');

  // If we do not have access to DTD or if we failed to detect the package root
  // by walking the directory structure, default to using a regexp heuristic.
  final directoryRegExp =
  final directoryIndex = fileUriString.indexOf(directoryRegExp);
  if (directoryIndex != -1) {
    fileUriString = fileUriString.substring(0, directoryIndex);
  return _assertUriFormatAndReturn(fileUriString);