DevToolsExtensionConfig.parse constructor

  1. Map<String, Object?> json


factory DevToolsExtensionConfig.parse(Map<String, Object?> json) {
  // Defaults to the code point for [Icons.extensions_outlined] if null.
  late int codePoint;
  final codePointFromJson = json[materialIconCodePointKey];
  const defaultCodePoint = 0xf03f;
  if (codePointFromJson is String?) {
    codePoint =
        int.tryParse(codePointFromJson ?? '0xf03f') ?? defaultCodePoint;
  } else {
    codePoint = codePointFromJson as int? ?? defaultCodePoint;

  if (json
      case {
        nameKey: final String name,
        pathKey: final String path,
        issueTrackerKey: final String issueTracker,
        versionKey: final String version,
      }) {
    return DevToolsExtensionConfig._(
      name: name,
      path: path,
      issueTrackerLink: issueTracker,
      version: version,
      materialIconCodePoint: codePoint,
  } else {
    const requiredKeys = {nameKey, pathKey, issueTrackerKey, versionKey};
    final diff = requiredKeys.difference(json.keys.toSet());
    if (diff.isEmpty) {
      // All the required keys are present, but the value types did not match.
      final sb = StringBuffer();
      for (final entry in json.entries) {
          '   ${entry.key}: ${entry.value} (${entry.value.runtimeType})',
      throw StateError(
        'Unexpected value types in the extension config.yaml. Expected all '
        'values to be of type String, but one or more had a different type:\n'
    } else {
      throw StateError(
        'Missing required fields ${diff.toString()} in the extension '