defaultHandler function

Future<Handler> defaultHandler(
  1. ClientManager clients, {
  2. String? customDevToolsPath,
  3. bool debugMode = false,

Default shelf.Handler for serving DevTools files.

This serves files out from the build results of running a pub build of the DevTools project.


Future<shelf.Handler> defaultHandler(
  ClientManager clients, {
  String? customDevToolsPath,
  bool debugMode = false,
}) async {
  final buildDir = customDevToolsPath ?? await _resolveBuildDir();

  // Default static handler for all non-package requests.
  Handler? buildDirHandler;
  if (!debugMode) {
    buildDirHandler = createStaticHandler(
      defaultDocument: 'index.html',

  Handler? debugProxyHandler;
  if (debugMode) {
    // Start up a flutter run -d web-server instance.
    const webPort = 9101;

    // ignore: unawaited_futures
      workingDirectory: path.join('..', 'devtools_app'),
    ).then((Process process) {
      // Write all flutter run process output to the server's output.

      // Proxy all stdin to the flutter run process's input.
        ..lineMode = false
        ..listen((event) => process.stdin.add(event));

      // Exit when the flutter run process exits.

    debugProxyHandler = proxyHandler(Uri.parse('http://localhost:$webPort/'));

  final sseHandler = SseHandler(Uri.parse('/api/sse'));

  // Make a handler that delegates based on path.
  final handler = (shelf.Request request) {
    if (request.url.path.startsWith('api/sse')) {
      return sseHandler.handler(request);

    if (request.url.path == 'api/ping') {
      return shelf.Response(HttpStatus.ok, body: 'OK');

    // The API handler takes all other calls to api/.
    if (ServerApi.canHandle(request)) {
      return ServerApi.handle(request);

    if (debugMode) {
      return debugProxyHandler!(request);
    } else {
      return buildDirHandler!(request);

  return handler;