navigateToCode method

Future<void> navigateToCode({
  1. required String fileUriString,
  2. required int line,
  3. required int column,
  4. required String source,

Posts an event to jump to code.

The event directs an IDE to move to the line and column in the specified fileUriString, which is expected to be a proper file URI (i.e. starts with "file://"). The source should indicate the tool and/or feature (i.e. in the format "someTool.someFeature") that is making the jump to code request.

If there are no IDEs listening for this event, then this will be a no-op.


Future<void> navigateToCode({
  required String fileUriString,
  required int line,
  required int column,
  required String source,
}) async {
  await postEvent('ToolEvent', 'navigate', <String, Object>{
    'fileUri': fileUriString,
    'line': line,
    'column': column,
    'source': source,