
This package helps you to showcase your project or play with Mobile OS interface for any kind of projects.

All the functions are ready include in the package such as:

  • Window management system
  • Customizable toast notifications
  • OS-specific functionalities

App Screenshot



See real examples:

Table of contents

Run this command:

With Flutter:

flutter pub add device_in

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml with the latest version (and run an implicit flutter pub get):

  device_in: <latest_version>

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more about it.

Import the package in your code:

import 'package:device_in/device_in.dart';

You can use standard device_in like so :

        device: Devices.ios.iPhone13ProMax,
        deviceNavigationController: DeviceNavigationController(apps: [],
        bottomApps: [],

Properties of DeviceApplication

Property Type Default Value Description
appName String Required The name of the application
appNameStyle TextStyle? null The style of the application name
iconImage String? null The path to the icon of the application (supports asset path or URL)
iconImageWidget Widget? null A custom widget for the application icon
appEntry EntryWidgetBuilder? null The entry point widget of the application
onTap Function()? null Callback function when the application is tapped
isBigWidget bool false Whether the widget is displayed as a large widget

Important notes:

  • Either iconImage or iconImageWidget must be provided, but not both.
  • Either appEntry or onTap must be provided, but not both.
  • appName is required.

Additional information:

  • EntryWidgetBuilder is defined as:
    typedef EntryWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(DeviceNavigationController controller);



