fetch static method
Get basic client information
Optional parameters can overwrite the information if provided.
is a set of decorators to decorate the information.(optional)
static Future<DeviceInformation> fetch({
String? deviceId,
String? osName,
String? osVersion,
num? osVersionCode,
String? softwareName,
String? softwareVersion,
String? applicationId,
String? applicationType,
String? applicationName,
String? applicationVersion,
String? applicationBuildCode,
DeviceInformationDecorators? decorators,
}) async {
DeviceInformation information;
if (_isMockMode == true) {
if (kDebugMode) {
print('DeviceInformation Warning ! You\'re in test mode.');
information = _mockData;
} else {
var map = await _channel.invokeMethod('getInformation');
information = map != null
? DeviceInformation._fromMap(Map<String, dynamic>.from(map))
: DeviceInformation();
if (deviceId?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.deviceId = deviceId!;
if (osName?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.osName = osName!;
if (osVersion?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.osVersion = osVersion!;
if (osVersionCode != null) {
information.osVersionCode = osVersionCode;
if (softwareName?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.softwareName = softwareName!;
if (softwareVersion?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.softwareVersion = softwareVersion!;
if (applicationId?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.applicationId = applicationId!;
if (applicationType?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.applicationType = applicationType!;
if (applicationName?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.applicationName = applicationName!;
if (applicationVersion?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.applicationVersion = applicationVersion!;
if (applicationBuildCode?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
information.applicationBuildCode = applicationBuildCode!;
return decorators != null
? _clientInfoDecorationHandler(information, decorators)
: information;