Developer App List

A Flutter package to fetch a list of apps developed by a given developer from both the App Store and Play Store.


  • Retrieve a list of Android apps developed by a specific developer.
  • Retrieve a list of iOS apps developed by a specific developer.


To use this package, add developer_app_list as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  developer_app_list: ^0.0.1


import 'package:developer_app_list/developer_app_list.dart';

void main() async {
  // Example usage to fetch Android apps
  List<App> androidApps = await DeveloperAppList.getAndroidApps(developerId: 'developer_id');

  // Example usage to fetch iOS apps
  List<App> iosApps = await DeveloperAppList.getIosApps(developerId: 'developer_id');

Replace 'developer_id' with the actual developer ID whose apps you want to fetch.

The App class represents an application and contains the following properties:

id: Unique identifier of the app.
name: Name of the app.
category: Category of the app.
developerName: Name of the developer who created the app.
rating: Rating of the app.
imageUrl: URL of the app's image.
url: URL of the app.

Feedback and Contributions

This is the first version of the app, and I am actively working on adding new features and improvements. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or queries, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!


A Flutter package to fetch a list of apps developed by a given developer from the App Store and Play Store.