skip_test function

  1. @Deprecated('Dev only')
void skip_test(
  1. String description,
  2. dynamic body(), {
  3. String? testOn,
  4. Timeout? timeout,
  5. dynamic skip,
  6. @Deprecated('Dev only') bool solo = false,
  7. Map<String, Object?>? onPlatform,

Skip the test temporarily mark as deprecated so that you don't checkin such code to permanently skip a test use the skip paremeter


@Deprecated('Dev only')
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
    skip_test(String description, dynamic Function() body,
        {String? testOn,
        Timeout? timeout,
        @Deprecated('Dev only') bool solo = false,
        Map<String, Object?>? onPlatform}) {
  testImplementation.test(description, body,
      testOn: testOn,
      timeout: timeout,
      skip: true,
      onPlatform: onPlatform,
      // ignore: deprecated_member_use
      solo: solo);