argumentToString function

String argumentToString(
  1. String argument

Helper to run a process and connect the input/output for verbosity

Helper to run a process and connect the input/output for verbosity

Use to safely enclose an argument if needed

argument must not be null


/// Helper to run a process and connect the input/output for verbosity

/// Use to safely enclose an argument if needed
/// argument must not be null
String argumentToString(String argument) {
  var hasWhitespace = false;
  var singleQuoteCount = 0;
  var doubleQuoteCount = 0;
  if (argument.isEmpty) {
    return '""';
  for (final rune in argument.runes) {
    if ((!hasWhitespace) && (isWhitespace(rune))) {
      hasWhitespace = true;
    } else if (rune == 0x0027) {
      // '
    } else if (rune == 0x0022) {
      // "
  if (singleQuoteCount > 0) {
    if (doubleQuoteCount > 0) {
      // simply escape all double quotes
      argument = '"${argument.replaceAll('"', '\\"')}"';
    } else {
      argument = '"$argument"';
  } else if (doubleQuoteCount > 0) {
    argument = "'$argument'";
  } else if (hasWhitespace) {
    argument = '"$argument"';
  return argument;