getDetections method

List<Detection> getDetections(
  1. String copiedText

Return the list of decorations with tagged and untagged text


List<Detection> getDetections(String copiedText) {
  /// Text to change emoji into replacement text
  final fullWidthRegExp = RegExp(

  final fullWidthRegExpMatches =
  final tokenRegExp =
      RegExp(r'[・ぁ-んーァ-ヶ一-龥\u1100-\u11FF\uAC00-\uD7A30-9a-zA-Z ]');
  final emojiMatches = fullWidthRegExpMatches
      .where((match) => (!tokenRegExp
          .hasMatch(copiedText.substring(match.start, match.end))))

  /// This is to avoid the error caused by 'regExp' which counts the emoji's length 1.
  emojiMatches.forEach((emojiMatch) {
    final emojiLength =!.length;
    final replacementText = "a" * emojiLength;
    copiedText = copiedText.replaceRange(
        emojiMatch.start, emojiMatch.end, replacementText);

  final tags = detectionRegExp.allMatches(copiedText).toList();
  if (tags.isEmpty) {
    return [];

  final sourceDetections = _getSourceDetections(tags, copiedText);

  final emojiFilteredResult = _getEmojiFilteredDetections(
      copiedText: copiedText,
      emojiMatches: emojiMatches,
      source: sourceDetections);

  return emojiFilteredResult;