navigateTo method

NavigationStack navigateTo(
  1. Destination destination, {
  2. NavigationStack? origin,

Try to intelligently pop and push the stack to ensure destination at the top. Or an stack with BadDestination will be returned.

It follows the following rules

  • If current is destination, this is returned.
  • If destination can be pushed onto current, new nodes returned by destination.tryNavigateFrom will be pushed.
  • Pop and try again until suceeded or reach the root
  • Try to push destination as root stack via destination.tryBuildRootStack.
  • BadDestination.unreachableLocation will be returned if all above failed.


NavigationStack navigateTo(Destination destination,
    {NavigationStack? origin}) {
  // Destination reached, nothing to do.
  if (current == destination) {
    return this;

  /// Try to push the destination onto the current stack.
  final newNodes = destination.tryNavigateFrom(current);
  if (newNodes != null) {
    return pushAll(newNodes);

  if (isRoot) {
    // Can't pop any more, try to build as root.
    final rootNodes = destination.tryBuildRootStack();
    if (rootNodes != null) {
      // Build root stack successfully.
      return NavigationStack._fromNodes(rootNodes);

    // Route is not reachable.
    return BadDestination.unreachableLocation(
            from: origin ?? this, to: destination)

  // Pop then try again recursively.
  return _stack!.navigateTo(destination, origin: origin ?? this);