Desktop Window Utils (MacOS only for now)

A plugin for you to control the windows, their properties and toolbar/titlebars.


How to use it?

You need to add the dependency to your project.

Also, please keep in mind that the implementation has been only made for macOS.


The library supports right now the following features:

  desktop_window_utils: ^0.0.3

And import:

import 'package:desktop_window_utils/desktop_window_utils.dart';

Setting the minimum frame size

Helps you to define a minimum window size for the window.

It expects two required fields. Height and width for the window.

DesktopWindowUtils.setMinimumSize(height: 300, width: 300);

Setting the screen size programmatically

Helps you to define the window size for the window programmatically.

It expects two required fields. Height and width for the window.

DesktopWindowUtils.setFrameSize(height: 400, width: 400);

Closing the current window

Helps you to close the current window programmatically.


You might have a problem to bring back to windows due to a macOS limitation. You should add the following code to your "macos/Runner/AppDelegate.swift" file for handling the window operations.

override func applicationShouldHandleReopen(_: NSApplication, hasVisibleWindows flag: Bool) -> Bool {
  if !flag {
      for window: AnyObject in {
  return true

Minimizing the current window

Helps you to minimize the current window programmatically.


You might have a problem to bring back to windows due to a macOS limitation. You should add the following code to your "macos/Runner/AppDelegate.swift" file for handling the window operations.

override func applicationShouldHandleReopen(_: NSApplication, hasVisibleWindows flag: Bool) -> Bool {
  if !flag {
      for window: AnyObject in {
  return true

Bringing back the current window

Helps you to open/bring back the current window programmatically regardless of its state (miniaturized or closed).


Using toolbar instead of a titlebar

Helps you to enable Toolbar view instead of a Titlebar for macOS apps (which comes as default).

DesktopWindowUtils.useToolbar(isUsingToolbar: true);

Removing toolbar/titlebar divider

Removed the divider from the toolbar or titlebar (picks whatever you are using).

Uses the variable isDividerInvisible for showing or hiding the divider.

Uses the variable isUsingToolbar for enabling toolbar.

  isDividerInvisible: true,
  isUsingToolbar: true,

Upcoming features

  • Translucent Window
  • Translucent Toolbar/Titlebar
  • Custom background color for Toolbar/Titlebar


Window Utils is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.