presentation/index library
- AlignAttributeWidget
- AppApisCubit
- AppApisState
- AppCubit
- AppLogsCubit
- AppLogsState
- AppModelsCubit
- AppModelsState
- AppScreenSizeCubit
- AppScreenSizeState
- PageState is the state of the tree
- AppState
- PageState is the state of the tree
- AppStylesCubit
- AppStylesState
- PageState is the state of the tree
- BlocBuildersForNodes
- BounceWidget
- BoxTransformBuilder
- ChildBuilder
- CoordinatesEntity
- CRenderFlex
- CursorAttributeWidget
- Debouncer
- DesignFlowApp
- DesignFlowAppCubit
- DesignFlowAppError
- DesignFlowAppLoaded
- DesignFlowAppLoading
- DesignFlowAppState
- DisplaySpacingInEditorWidget
- EditorWidgetsState
- EditorWidgetsStateCubit
- EffectsNodeBuilder
- ExpandedArttributeWidget
- FlytingNodeOptions
- GestureDetectorForPlay
- GestureDetectorInEditor
- MapPagesEntry
- MaskAttributeWidget
- MultiBoxTransformBuilder
- This widget is used to transform multiple nodes at once. It is used in the OpenWScaffold widget.
- NodeBuilder
- NodeOverrideExecuter
- NodeWidget
- OpenWAlign
- OpenWButton
- OpenWColumn
- OpenWComponent
- OpenWCondition
- OpenWContainer
- Returns a Container widget It requires a width and height for the width and height properties It takes a child of type CNode as child It requires a margins and paddings for the margin and padding properties It requires a fill for the decoration property It requires a borderRadius for the decoration property It requires a borders for the decoration property It requires a shadows for the decoration property
- OpenWFeatherIcon
- Returns a Icon widget in Teta. It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the FSize and FFill values. It returns a Icon widget.
- OpenWFontAwesome
- Returns a Icon widget in Teta It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the FSize and FFill values.
- OpenWGridView
- OpenWIcon
- Returns a Icon widget in Teta. It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the FSize and FFill values.
- OpenWImage
- OpenWLineIcon
- Returns a Icon widget in Teta. It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the FSize and FFill values.
- OpenWListView
- OpenWLottie
- Returns a Lottie widget It wants a FGeneralTypeInput as a tag It wants a FSize as a width It wants a FSize as a height It wants a FBoxFit as a boxFit It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the FSize and FFill values.
- OpenWScaffold
- OpenWSpacer
- This widget effect Node Builder (node_builder.dart)
- OpenWStack
- OpenWSvgPicture
- Returns a Svg Picture widget It wants a FGeneralTypeInput as a tag It wants a FSize as a width It wants a FSize as a height It wants a BuildContext and a WidgetState to get the FSize and FFill values.
- OpenWSwitch
- OpenWText
- OpenWTextField
- OpenWVideo
- OverridesCubit
- OverridesState
- PageCubit
- PageState
- PageState is the state of the tree
- Parallax
- ParallaxEffect
- ParallaxFlowDelegate
- ParallaxParentData
- RenderParallax
- ResizableBorderRadius
- ResponsiveConstraints
- ResponsiveExpanded
- ResponsivePadding
- ResponsivePositioned
- ResponsiveVisibility
- SafeAreaAttributeWidget
- SizeConstraintsAttributeWidget
- SpacingMiddleWidget
- TetaTextStyles
- TextBuilder
- Returns a Text widget with all the properties
- TransformRotateAttributeWidget
- UIBox
- A widget that builds a remote UI component from a page name.
- UIBoxController
- WorkflowExecuter
PageState previous, PageState current, CNode node) → bool -
AppState previous, AppState current, CNode node) → bool -
PageState previous, PageState current, CNode node) → bool -
AppStylesState previous, AppStylesState current, CNode node) → bool -
ThemeMode previous, ThemeMode current, CNode node) → bool -
CNode node) → bool -
CNode node) → bool -
CNode node) → bool -
CNode node) → bool -
CNode node) → bool
- ErrorCallback = void Function(BuildContext context, Exception error)
- LoadedCallback = void Function(BuildContext context)